“Can someone please explain why there’s a broken plate behind the toilet?”
We can safely add this to the list of questions I never thought I’d ask.
As a busy wife, mom of 4 kids, and business owner, sometimes little things slip between the cracks.
Little things like cleaning the extra bathroom.
When I finally did get around to it, I found the shattered remains of a salad plate under the toilet.
After some professional mom interrogating, I discovered that one of my kids thought it would make a nice base for a candle. When it inevitably fell and broke, said child swept it behind the toilet because he “couldn’t find the dust pan” and forgot it was there.
Isn’t life a lot like this sometimes? Things are going well and then – BAM – things get messy. Maybe:
- Things don’t go as planned.
- Someone isn’t on board.
- Someone lets us down.
- We miss the mark.
Emotional messes. Unresolved conflict. Disappointments.
We have messes at home, messes at work, messes with friends and family.
At first, it doesn’t seem like too much to handle. We deal with it as best we can and move on.
But, after a while, we get tired of dealing with messes. We don’t want to take the time to find the dust pan – there’s too much other stuff to do! We need to live in the moment, people!
So, we stop cleaning up messes and just sweep things up as best we can, pushing a pile of dirt behind the figurative “toilet” in our soul and moving on.
Eventually, we run out of places to hide our messes. We just push the mess around from one pile to another like a high-school janitor with one of those giant push brooms.
When we want to start some new exciting project, we wonder why we’re tired, irritable and anxious. We wonder where our excitement, energy and creativity have gone.
Those piles of “mess” are no longer small. Those messes become inner obstacles that will actually block us from reaching what matters in life.
It takes a tremendous amount of energy to hang on to all those messes that haven’t been cleaned up. To process through the feelings of disappointment, forgive those who have hurt us and learn to be at peace with ourselves. We might think it’s easier to “just keep pushing,” but eventually that practice will take its toll.
What about you?
- Do you get overwhelmed easier than you used to?
- Are you exhausted in the face of what should be an energizing new opportunity?
- Does past conflict prevent you from forming new friendships or fully engaging in present relationships?
Yeah. I’ve been there, too.
But, a few years ago I had a startling revelation that enabled me to identify the obstacles that were holding me back.
I call these the “5 Invisible Obstacles that Stop You from Reaching What Matters,” and I am excited to share them with you!
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Then would you do me a favor? Come back here and tell me what you think – I’d love your honest (polite) opinion.
5 invisible obstacles
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I’m very interested in reading your “5 Invisible Obstacles that Stop You from Reaching What Matters,”
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