The Good Right Now

The Good Right Now
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Sometimes (particularly after streaming a historical/period movie or series on my flat screen TV from the coziness of my warm couch), I daydream about how much better life must have been in the “good old days.”

You know, those good old days before we had to worry about work at the speed of light, a thousand daily distractions and parent-guilt?

The simpler times when we grew our own food, we rallied together when we were in crisis and had perfect hair all the time?

Ok, that last part might be Hollywood. The rest must be true, right?

I am as guilty as the next person as romanticizing the “good old days,” pining away for a simpler time.

Or maybe, for you, the future is your daydream of choice: a bright and shiny day when things are finally humming, when technology stops creating problems as fast is it solves them, when everyone gets along and you finally feel fulfillment from your work and life.

The truth is, at any given point in history or the future – things aren’t perfect.

By only imagining the good stuff, we create a version of the past or the future that makes for great fiction, but it simply isn’t real.

What’s more, measuring our current lives against that fantasy isn’t fair.

For every romanticized ending, there were an untold number of struggles we simply didn’t see or don’t appreciate because we haven’t lived through them.

What’s real is your right now.

You may be facing problems, but you will get through them.

Life may not be what you expected it to be, but you’re not done with life yet.

What matters is whether or not you are choosing to make the most of your actual life.

Right now is the moment you choose to act on your dreams or just keep dreaming them.

Right now is the time for you to get up and do (or sit down and wither).

Right now is full of opportunity and life yours for the living.

Right now can be good – even better than the “old days” – if you choose to allow it.

Dreaming of fiction won’t change your life.

Instead, let’s seize the good right now. 

Right now, wherever you’re reading this, take a moment to be thankful that you’re still alive. Take a few deep breaths.

Allow yourself a moment to experience right now.

Right now, you’re breathing and you’re in control of your body.

Right now, there are people who care about you.

Right now, you’ve got resources that you might take for granted each and every day. (Indoor plumbing, anyone?)

Right now, you are darn good at something. You’ve got skills.

In fact, right now is pretty good if you let yourself find it.

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  1. Very timely for my new launch. Thanks!

    • Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment, Rick! Excited for your journey!


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